The kickoff meeting of the AccelWater project was held on November 12th 2020. It was organized by AGENSO and took place online using the Microsoft Teams platform.
The entire consortium joined the meeting, as well as two officers from the EASME. During the meeting, there were presentations for the organizations of the consortium, as well as presentations about the Work Packages of the project. A discussion followed the presentation of each Work Package, and the respective Work Package Leaders tried to address any issues or concerns.
AGENSO is the Coordinator of the project, as well as the Leader on three Work Packages: Ethics Requirements (WP 1), Project Management (WP 2) and Networking, Communication and Dissemination (WP 10).
The project’s main objective is to optimize freshwater water consumption in the food and beverage industry under a water-waste-energy nexus by introducing beyond state-of-the-art water reclaiming, reusing and Artificial Intelligence enabled monitoring and control technologies will permit the use of reclaimed water in the manufacturing processes of food and beverages and on the same time will allow waste and energy reclamation, optimization and management, and consequently will result to environmental and socioeconomic sustainability.