AGENSO is an innovative company and its team is composed of highly motivated and qualified people with extensive research experience in universities, companies and European projects. AGENSO is a spin-out company that was initiated from a very dynamic team from Agricultural University of Athens having as main aim to exploit research ideas and products that were generated after many years of involvement in EU and National projects.

AGENSO is an innovative company and its team is composed of highly motivated and qualified people with extensive research experience in universities, companies and European projects. AGENSO is a spin-out company that was initiated from a very dynamic team from Agricultural University of Athens having as main aim to exploit research ideas and products that were generated after many years of involvement in EU and National projects.
Our people hold master degrees and doctorates in agricultural engineering, information technology and environmental management and have work experiences in various research institutes and universities (i.e. Centre of Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH), Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)). Our team’s expertise spans in services and ICT solutions for agriculture and environment, and specializes in the promotion of research and services in the areas of sustainable agricultural production, environmental sustainability and advanced technologies for the aforementioned sectors. AGENSO’s personnel have participated in over 40 EU and national research projects (FP7, Horizon2020, ERANET ICT-AGRI, and Future Internet Accelerators) and has a close relationship with the relative agriculture industry sector, farmer’s organizations and research institutes in terms of external services and technology transfer. AGENSO is currently participating in 11 Horizon2020 projects, 5 ICT-AGRI projects and 8 National projects for developing ICT solutions and software for agricultural and environmental domain. Moreover, AGENSO portfolio includes the development of an agricultural robot and various software applications. It also offers Precision Agriculture services to individual farmers and farmer’s cooperatives. AGENSO has extensive experience in developing water management and precision agriculture solutions, and the support of decision making through multi-platform apps for a more robust farm and water management in a sustainable and environmental friendly way.

Key role(s) in the project
AGENSO will be responsible for the whole coordination of the AccelWater project (WP2). Moreover, AGENSO will lead WP10 which is focused on the dissemination of the project results in which the AccelWater knowledge platform will be developed along with the e-learning modules. Additionally, AGENSO will be responsible for the development of the AccelWater data repository and Application Programming Interface. Finally, AGENSO will have a minor role to other WPs and tasks for the proper monitoring and implementation of the project.